Monday, 1 October 2012

Independence day celebrations - Aug 2012

Article by   Jc Suchetha, Secretary

What is Independence?
Independence means different to different people. For some it is the freedom of expression, freedom of choice while for others it is the very basic freedom to live, to be alive.

We asked the same question to a bunch of school students; to come up with their own idea of independence. They were asked to depict their ideas in the form of a chart. This is how we, JCI – Bangalore Horizonites celebrated our first ever social event

JCI – Bangalore Horizon wanted to celebrate our I-Day in a special, more meaningful way and  what better way to celebrate than with school kids when the young minds gives us the utmost, pure meaning of Independence

The day of 15 Aug, 2012 began with 5 of our chapter members heading for People trust campus at Sri Ramanahalli to meet the students of TREP (Total Residential Education Program). Around 50 boys and girls are given free education and accommodation here.

We were introduced to some of the great, inspiring people from all walks of life.
  • An ex-army brigadier, who has seen many battles and earned many awards,
  • An American couple, who have dedicated their life to impart value based growth to the underprivileged children
  • Other staff members, who play key roles in the success of this program
We were given a tour around the campus by two simple yet great personalities,   Mr.Harish Uthaiah, and Mr.Bobji,   who are the inspiration behind the TREP
Along the way, we came across numerous kids who cheerfully greeted us with the words ‘Sai Ram’. Everywhere and in everyone we found simplicity, humbleness and noble thoughts.

After the brief tour of the campus, soon it was lunch time and we had organized for a special lunch for the kids and staff of TREP complete with delicious dessert et all. The kids loved it!

Post lunch, we were taken to the ‘Sun room'; a big, spacious room upstairs, which was pleasantly illuminated by lots of sunlight. The prayers were in order, many patriotic songs followed.  
Earlier, we had requested the children to form groups and prepare charts on theme of Indian Independence
We were amazed by their creativity exhibited through the charts.  We collected the charts and carried them back to select the three best charts.

Chocolates and few other basic stationery were distributed to the students.
The entire experience reinforced my trust in JCI. I realized the meaning of independence in a whole another perspective. The feeling of goodwill in this place is infectious.
This experience makes us believe and reinforces our faith in humanity that much more. It was an absolutely different, unique, inspiring experience and that is exactly what it makes it so special. One of my childhood dreams came true on 15 Aug thanks to JCI, looking forward to more such visits.

Link to the  People'e Trust ...
TREP website
People's Trust Website
