Monday, 26 November 2012

Act Your Age

Article by Jc Madhumathi, Secretary

Program:   Family picnic of our chapter members
Venue:       Happy Homes Resort at Nelamangala
Date :         2 Oct 2012.
“All work and no play makes and person dull and dumb” – Author unknown

First some mathematics:  When two individuals have fun together, is it the sum of their individual fun?  No, it is not addition, what happens is multiplication.    Yes, the fun gets multiplied when you are in group.

The first fun started with waiting for one another to arrive, on the busy, beautiful Bangalore-Mangalore highway where everyone was just 10minutes away from reaching that place!.  The  true Indian style “just 10 min away”.

Finally, we all met and preceded towards our picnic spot.  It was a serene mango groove.  It had rained couple of days earlier and the entire place looked great with beautiful green trees and fresh earth.

We were thoroughly entertained by various games which tested our presence of mind, fast response and humour quotient.

When the  first brain is getting  entertained, we should  neglect our second brain too.   We  were  served with  various snacks and soft drinks and later a sumptuous lunch too.

Post lunch, we all roamed around the resort exploring different sights and sounds.

Here are  some  photos to  share our fun with other members too.

Hypnosis and Mind

Article by Jc Nandhini

Program:  Hypnosis and Mind
Venue:  BASIX – Centre for Human Excellence
Date :  22, 23 Oct  2012
Traininer:  Jc.Dr.C.J.Jeyachander

Most of the things on the world have dualities like, day & night, black & white, push & pull and this list goes on.   We cannot say day is good and night is bad.  Each can be utilised in the right way to get the maximum benefit to the human life.
There are few apprehensions about   Hypnosis among the general public.   The nuclear energy can be used   for both constructive and destructive purposes.  The wise men will use it for constructive purposes. The hypnosis is so powerful and when used constructively, it will provide immense rewards.
We are all so busy with various activities and find less time to explore what we really are.    A person can feel   lonely in a crowd and feel at peace when alone too.   This magic can be achieved by understanding and directing our mind properly.

A two day program on Hypnosis and Mind was organized by our chapter. The program caters to people   from various walks of life irrespective of their age and education background.  
The program was designed to understand and make use of the power of mind in the most productive way.

This benefits of this program  are,

Ø  Increased positive thoughts

Ø  Improved calmness

Ø  Improved memory

Ø  Improved concentration and focus

Ø  Increased confidence and will power

Ø  Working with emotions

Ø  Releasing emotions

Ø  Increased productivity

Ø  Increased creativity
Participants thoroughly enjoyed the whole process built in with lot of activities, demonstrations, role plays and presentations.

Dental care Program

Article by:  Jc. Sakunthala

Program:  Dental Care TREP students
Venue:     People’s trust campus
Date:        Sunday 16 September 2012

I know JCI is well known for it training programs which will make shining gems out of ordinary stones and what I did not know was that JCI even provides the opportunity to make you aware to get shining teeth.
On Sunday 16 September,   JcDr Vinay, JcDrAshwini, Jc Sucheta and Jc Sakunthala reached the People’s Trust campus.  The students were very busy honey bees with their week end housekeeping responsibilities and hockey practices sessions for their upcoming district level tournaments.  

Two inspection tables were setup and 48students were examined meticulously by  Jc Dr. Vinay and JcDr.Ashwini. Students were given general tips and specific advices were given on special cases. 

In general, the dental hygiene of all the students were found good and 10 students have been referred to undergo specific treatments at the clinic.   Jc. Dr Vinay had been kind enough to offer to treat these students at his clinic.
Later,   all the staff and students were assembled.   Jc Dr Vinay had explained very interestingly the details about how to brush, when to brush and with what to brush.   It was extremely informative to listen to him explain all these facts.  This is where I realized all along my life I was not following the right procedure and I learnt the correct way of   brushing my teeth J

When we were taking care of their teeth, People’s trust management were busy to take care of our stomach.   We were given a very warm lunch which consisted of the nutritious Ragi balls, unpolished rice and tasty sambar.


Trainers Day-Jaycee week

Article by  Jc.K.Nandhini

Program: Trainers Day
Venue :  BASIX – Centre for Human Excellence

Date : 10 and 11 Sep 2012

Our chapter celebrated our jaycee week of ”Trainers Day” as a part of “JAYCEE WEEK” celebration by having   programs on various subjects that is important in personal and professional life been handled by provisional zone trainers from JCI Bangalore Garden city .

These trainers were very enthusiastic and used various audio visual aids to make the training interesting  and interactive .  They ensured our participation through lots of practical exercises too.

There was even a skid performance by our trainers to drive home their points more effectively.  



Thursday, 15 November 2012

Time Management - Aug 2012

Article by Jc Harsha
Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, to increase
  • Effectiveness
  • Productivity

And so, JCI Bangalore Horizon took up time management as its first internal development program. This programme was held on 26 Aug 2012 at ISOL premise and conducted by Jc Dr. C J Jeyachander, President of our chapter.

It touched upon various aspects of time management in a simple and open manner. The participants were pushed to think about the topic and the changes they can make in their lives rather than a rigid and a standard one size for all approach.

The program’s format encouraged people to get involved and add their thoughts to the discussion. All the points and suggestions put forth by the trainer were discussed and dissected by the participating members, often making for interesting debates.

There were also various games and exercises which helped the members bond and lose their inhibitions. Some of the unavoidable and repeated topics in time management such as procrastination, prioritization were covered in a unique and fresh way.

Different methodologies and regimes were introduced to the members and they were left free to choose what was best for them.

On the whole, this program was extremely useful and fun, with tips which had practical applications