Monday, 26 November 2012

Hypnosis and Mind

Article by Jc Nandhini

Program:  Hypnosis and Mind
Venue:  BASIX – Centre for Human Excellence
Date :  22, 23 Oct  2012
Traininer:  Jc.Dr.C.J.Jeyachander

Most of the things on the world have dualities like, day & night, black & white, push & pull and this list goes on.   We cannot say day is good and night is bad.  Each can be utilised in the right way to get the maximum benefit to the human life.
There are few apprehensions about   Hypnosis among the general public.   The nuclear energy can be used   for both constructive and destructive purposes.  The wise men will use it for constructive purposes. The hypnosis is so powerful and when used constructively, it will provide immense rewards.
We are all so busy with various activities and find less time to explore what we really are.    A person can feel   lonely in a crowd and feel at peace when alone too.   This magic can be achieved by understanding and directing our mind properly.

A two day program on Hypnosis and Mind was organized by our chapter. The program caters to people   from various walks of life irrespective of their age and education background.  
The program was designed to understand and make use of the power of mind in the most productive way.

This benefits of this program  are,

Ø  Increased positive thoughts

Ø  Improved calmness

Ø  Improved memory

Ø  Improved concentration and focus

Ø  Increased confidence and will power

Ø  Working with emotions

Ø  Releasing emotions

Ø  Increased productivity

Ø  Increased creativity
Participants thoroughly enjoyed the whole process built in with lot of activities, demonstrations, role plays and presentations.