Sunday, 17 March 2013

Face Your Exams Confidently

Program:  Face Your Exams Confidently
Date :  14 March 2013
Place :  Sai Shankar Vidyashala, Sri Ramanahalli

When we  spoke to Mr Harish Uthiah(The trustee of People's Trust) about this program, he took instant interest and discussed with the Head Master Mr. Bommiah, the program was fixed for 14 March 2013.

When we went there, not only the 10th std students, the class teachers were also waiting for the program.

Our Faculty Dr Jc C J Jeyachander discussed the importance of 10th standard in every students life and how to make it easy.

Various motivational videos, activities and the route map of how to approach various subjects, time management and other important internal and external aspects were also  discussed.

We wish All The Very Best to all the students who are in the important milestone of SSLC in their life

Program: Face Your Exams Confidently
Date :  24 Feb2013
Place :  Regency Public School, Vidyaranyapura 

The 3 hour training program to 9th and 10th standard students on “Face the board exam confidently”  was conducted at  Regency Public School Vidyaranyapura.  Students from various schools of this locality attended this program.
Jc Dr C J Jeyachander started the training by engaging students in lively interactions.   Through various  activities which was  volunteered by the participating  students,  they  were  made to realise  how physical  strength and  peace of  mind is  very import  to  sit through 3 hours continuously and write the exam with  full focus.

He also shared with them various techniques to prepare the body and mind for the exam. Students were also given instructions on how to prepared, remember and recollect various subjects
This program was well received and appreciated by the students and the parents