Wednesday, 30 July 2014

JCI Bangalore People's Trust Installation 15 February 2014

JCI Bangalore Horizon extendend a New chapter JCI Bangalore People’s Trust.

The induction of the new chapter involving installation of the CGB and induction of all new members took place on 15 Feb 2014.

ZP sir was introduced by Jc Anuradha Jeyachander, Guest of Honor Shri Bobji Le Vine was introduced by Jc Namratha and Installation officer Jc C J Jeyachander was introduced by Jc Madhumathi.

Oath to all new members were given by installation officer . Oath to President Elect was given by Jc Madhosh Poovaiah. Oath to CGB officers was given by the new chapter president.

Guests wished the new chapter to avail the opportunities availabe from JCI and grow and benefit and help others too. JC Namratha rendered a melodious folk song to the delight of the participants.

Jc Harish Uthaiah made an announcement that a land needed for construction of the the proposed building for JCI blood bank will be provided by the management of People’s Trust

The program conclued with Dinner.

JCI Bangalore People’s Trust Feb 2014 Page 2 of 2

The program was attended by

Jc Madhosh Poovaiah, ZP and Chief Guest,

 Jc C J Jeyachander, ZVP and installation officer,

Shri Bobji Le Vine, Managing Trustee, TREP

Jc Jagadish, Zone Secretary, Jc Srinivasan V, Zone Director, Management

Jc Dinesh Bafna, Zone Director, Business, Jc Divya Sridhar, Zone Coordinator for JCRT wing

Jc Anuradha Jeyachander, VP Communications – JCI

Bangalore Horizon

Jc Madhumathi, VP ID – JCI Bangalore Horizon

Jc Pawan M Hallur, VP LOM – JCI Bangalore Horizon, Jc Suresha Kuppan, VP CD – JCI Bangalore Horizon

From JCI Bangalore People’s Trust

Jc Sakunthala, President,

Jc. Devaraja K S, (Secretary)

Jc. Somashekara Gouda ( VP LOM)

Jc. Namratha M ( VP Communications)

Jc Suresha B S (VP G&D)

Jc Rekha ( JCRT Chairperson)

and other new members