Sunday, 17 February 2013


Date: 2 and 3 February
Venue: Ideal Java Rotary School, Mysore
Host : JCI Mysore  Chariot

This is not a 'lots' to choose something . LOTS  stands for LOM Officers Training Seminar.

This is a Zone level training program which is attended by all the Chapter Governing Body members. 

The training on roles and responsibilities  was only one part of seminar. Rest of the seminar focused on Teamwork, leadership, motivation and sharing of wisdom of how people can grow in JCI.

The seminar was made very interesting with powerful speeches, video clips, presentations and lots of interaction

Rapport: we could interact with excellent trainers like Jc Ramesh Batavia, Jc Ramanathan, Jc Prasanna and Jc Devaraj and various ZGB and other chapter presidents.

Highlight of some of the annual Program plans were shared

– in English will be hosted by JCI Kanpur from 12 to 15 August.
The program
NALANDA  to be rolled out in Kannada is called NAYAKA - planned to be held by Zone 14  during one of the  Friday thru Sundays of June.

- will be hosted by JCI Erode at Kodaikanal

– Will be held at Sandur Valley (Near Bellary) - May/June (for 9th, 10th & 11th std students)

@ South Korea - Iune 13-16, 2013 - EVP Shine T Baskar will be the Chairman of ASPAC

World congress
– Rio De Janeiro - November 4–9, 2013.. So far, India has only one World President. This year, Shine T Baskar is one of the potential candidates for WP.. So large team from India is appreciated.

Asia Pacific Children Convention
3 boys , 3 girls of age 11year get selected nationwide and can spend 2 weeks in Japan or which 10days the children will be staying in Japanese family

Zone bulletin is called "spoorthi
we can send information before end of every month. This bulletin is will be sent to every member of the zone.